where they show us the most registered diseases in medical attention in the emergency medical service of an international airport in Mexico. The results shown validate the role of the implemented surveillance system and provide new evidence on the burden of disease and use of services for rotavirus gastroenteritis in a cuban pediatric hospital.We have read with great interest the article "Pediatric diseases with greater frequency in an international airport in Mexico" by Figueroa-Uribe A, et. The gastroenterology service absorbed the greatest burden of hospital admissions for this cause. Overcrowding at home and attending a day care center were risk factors. Of the total admissions for acute diarrheal disease, 26% met the inclusion criteria and 46% were confirmed for rotavirus. The results were expressed in absolute and relative figures the analysis was performed through chi-square. To determine the severity of the disease, the Vesikari score was used. For each captured child, stool samples were collected, analyzed with rapid strips and confirmated by ELISA. Definitions were established for the categories of suspected, probable and confirmed cases. Between November 2017 and April 2018, a surveillance system for gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus was implemented in the Paediatric Hospital of Centro Habana. To evaluate the impact of a future introduction in Cuba of a vaccine against this pathogen, it is necessary to have a pre-vaccination baseline of the burden of gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus. Gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus is a major global health problem, therefore it is recommended that vaccination against rotavirus be included in immunization programs. Diarrhea, gastroenteritis, rotavirus, risk factors, incidence.