Social activities and hobbies (vocabulary connected to sports, hobbies, restaurants, shopping etc. Travel (vocabulary connected to ways of travelling, going on holiday, problems connected to travelling etc.). However, you don't need to have a very high level of knowledge (like a native speaker) if you want to pass this exam. The more you know, the easier the exam will be to do. The more you know, the easier the exam will be to do. English vocabulary list (include free PDF) Having a good knowledge of English vocabulary is important for doing well in the Cambridge First Certificate of English (FCE) exam. Having a good knowledge of English vocabulary is important for doing well in the Cambridge First Certificate of English (FCE) exam. Entertainment (vocabulary connected to films/movies, books, music, concerts etc.) the second sentence, using between two and five words, including the word given. Fce Vocabulary List Cambridge English Pdf Blog Home Backyard Soccer Mac Mount Iso For Mac Sims 4 Career Cheat Ap 5131 Firmware Update Unrailed Download. Technology (vocabulary connected to the internet, social networks, using computers etc.).
Work (vocabulary connected to different types of jobs and places of work, applying for a job, what people do in work etc.).There are a wide variety of tests focusing on topics that frequently come up in the exam and which FCE students may have to write about or speak, for example: education, entertainment and media, daily life, places and buildings, health, medicine. The environment (vocabulary connected to the weather, climate change, pollution, recycling, animals, plants, different types of habitats (deserts, sea, urban (e.g. This section provides exercises on different aspects of English vocabulary at an intermediate level.
From looking at the past exams, there are a number of topics which are often used in the exam.