In analyzing data, researchers conducted an analysis of motives and sentences, using elements of music namely melody, rhythm, harmony, timbre, and tempo. The research subjects were the Principal, Art Teacher, and students. The results of the study were then processed and analyzed descriptively. The data studied using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. By using qualitative descriptive methods. This research was carried out to find out clearly the form of the song of Mars SMP Negeri 13 Pekanbaru.

The problem discussed in this study is how the form of the song of Mars, SMP Negeri 13 Pekanbaru, by Desmi Erwinda in Pekanbaru State Middle School 13. Usually this means greater protection for the buyer.Catalogue information Catawiki number:Category:StickersTitle:Rooie OortjesPublisher:Subject:Language:Kind of sticker:Collection / set:Number in collection:Year:Dimensions:12,1 x 18,0Details:Submission date: 09:57:09Submitted by:Last updated on: 15:28:14Last updated by:Catawiki Catalogue value Mint condition:€ 5.00Good condition:€ 4.00Reasonable condition:€ 1.00.References to other categories Comic Books / Series / protagonists.This study discussed the Analysis of the Forms of Mars Songs in State Junior High School 13 Pekanbaru by Desmi Erwinda in Pekanbaru State Junior High School 13. The seller must also deliver the goods to the purchaser within 30 days if it takes longer than this, the buyer has the right to withdraw the purchase.Professional resellers may belong to a branch organization if so, we list it.

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